Johnny Fabulous: Joe Azzam
Johnny’s Girlfriend: Theresa Saaib
Narrator: Peter Cutajar
Manager: Fadi Yassman
Nightclub Singer: Rosemary Vetrisano
The Students / Dancers: Kylie Blaslov; Irene Opocak; Sherrin Howle; Yvonne Cuneo; Joclie Boonne; Therese Bourke; Sarah Murphy; Patrick Sherry; Luigi Stivaletta; Ignatius Mok; Andrew Adaimy; Elly Harb; Fred Abraham; Steven Ibrahim; John Sarkis
T.V. Producers: Vince Pizzinga; John Georges
Preacher: Sam Tohme
Congregation / Protestors: John Baylouni; Warren Stanton; Bruno Zinghini; Vince Pizzinga; Alex Sinapi; Robert Ciano
Rockers / Bashers: Elly Harb; Fred Abraham; John Georges; Sherrin Howle; Therese Bourke
The Asteroids: Paul Belfiore; Johnny Grguric; Ivan Gruguric; George Lellia